Wednesday 8 May 2013

With the increasing temperatures due to Global warming the world's ice caps are melting. Along with the raising sea levels will there be another startling realisation? Will the Ice Dragons of long ago once more soar above the world majestic and proud as they, apparently, once were thousands of years ago?

Schools across the UK have claimed to find Ice Eggs (signs of the rare creatures) in schools and playgrounds although none have been fertilised. Does this show that the Ice Dragons are returning yet still not able to procreate? If so, how long before these beasts are able to and where will they nest if the ice is disappearing?

Frozen dragon found in Antartica on 12/05/13 by Sir Henry Jarvis III thought to be 2 million years old

Dragon found in Wiltshire 2002 - thought to be a prank. Never confirmed as real. Could this be the start of the Ice Dragons returning?

Do you still need more convincing? Look below for more found footage of dragons.

What would this place look like? What would it feel like to be there? Would man live there?
Would this look like a place you could find dragons?



  1. Wow, I can't believe someone has found such amazing footage and truth in what I have thought for years. When I was a young girl I saw what had to be a dragon flying over my parents farm house in Alaska. I knew they were real!

  2. Has anyone heard the rumour about the BBC releasing a documentary on this subject? Apparently the dragons are returning. I for one can't wait to get the chance to photograph them... You don't think they are dangerous do you? I would love to come across a nest of Ice Eggs, I have heard they are beautiful!

  3. Y3 at Salisbury Road Primary School are really interested in reading more! Are there any more sightings or websites we could see? Many thanks
